Ages 11-14
Middle School Literature I & II
Description: The English language has produced beautiful and inspiring pieces of children’s literature which are the envy of nations around the world. We will be dipping into iconic and timeless creations covering prose, drama and poetry, exploring the building blocks of narrative, verse and dramatization. Students will be encouraged to think critically and to engage with the texts both analytically through essay writing and imaginatively through creative writing. We will be taking an extract based approach to the text, reading key scenes from a range of genres which will provide breadth to the studies and a range of examples to work from and to function as models for creative writing. This will give students a good overview of some of the classics of English literature.
Instructor: Nektaria Papanicola
Times: T, F 2:10-3 PM ET
A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens), The Magician’s Nephew (C S Lewis), Henry V (William Shakespeare), Various poems
Modern Greek III
Description: This course is a continuation of Modern Greek 2. Students will review and continue learning vocabulary and conversational skills. They will continue to work on their reading, writing, and grammar skills.
Instructor: Vicky Hamos
Times: Tues, Thurs, Fri 10:30-11 AM EST
Description: The fourth stage of the progymnasmata (stages leading up to the study of rhetoric) is Refutation/Confirmation. In this stage, students will learn to both praise and criticize a short story using the six heads of purpose (clarity, plausibility, possibility, consistency, propriety, and expediency), or different ways to make an argument for or against something. This course specifically hones the student’s ability to generate and make arguments, a lost art in our current age. They will also continue to implement skills gained from the previous progymnasmata stages. Additionally, they will continue to study grammar, learning concepts such as prepositional phrases, appositives, and verbals. We will use Memoria Press’ English Grammar Recitation IV. All other materials will be provided.
Instructor: Vasilios Asimakos
Times: Wed 3-3:50 PM ET & Fri 11-11:50 AM ET
Required Text: Memoria Press’ English Grammar Recitation IV.
Introductory Russian (Ages 12-17)
Description: My courses for complete beginners start with learning the Russian alphabet, greetings and introductions. We explore the Russian language through role-play and dialogues, adding simple grammar and new vocabulary. All materials are provided.
Instructor: Valentina Merritt
Times: Wed 10-10:50AM, Fri 11:30AM-12:20PM EST
YouTube Introduction:
Logic II
Classical Composition: Chreia/Maxim
History for the Orthodox Christian II
Ancient Greek I
Required Text: Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Book I
New Course Coming Soon
New Course Coming Soon
Spring Semester Dates: January 22nd-May 31st (New Style)
There are two payment options:
1) Two payments of $400 (per course) at the start of each semester, or
2) One payment of $725 (per course) at the beginning of the first semester (a $75 value!).
Both options require a commitment for the entire 2023-2024 academic year. For more information about classes, please email orthodoxeducationalinitiative@