Ages 14-18
History for the Orthodox Christian IV
High School Literature III & IV
Semester 2: We will be exploring the seminal work of the early twentieth century, ‘Animal Farm’
by George Orwell. We will be exploring the themes of idealism and corruption in politics, the deceptive nature of propaganda and most importantly, the abuse of power. Students will be considering how Orwell’s use of language, imagery, structure and dramatization has created a work which still resonates in the twenty-first century. Students will be challenged to consider how Orwell was influenced by the World Wars, the Russian Revolution, industrialism and the rise of socialism. This is an intensive and intellectually challenging course, requiring weekly study and application. Students will develop their critical analytical skills through formal essay writing and they will learn to appreciate the talent and skill of one of the masters of the English language.
Instructor: Nektaria Papanicola
Times: Tues & Fri 1-1:50 PM ET
art of persuasion).
Common Topic
Apologetics for High School Students
Description: What is apologetics? Simply put, apologetics seeks to provide a systematic defense of Orthodox theology. In our times, amid so many assaults against the Church, we can see how a firm grounding in Orthodox apologetic theology is so important, especially for our youth. Our students need to know the doctrines of our Faith. Yet, we need more than this. We need to foster an Orthodox worldview. We need to equip them with the ability to defend the faith, not to be intimidated by what Saint Paul calls “knowledge falsely so called.” (I Timothy 6:20). This course will allow students to acquire the foundations of this mindset. We will consider, discuss, and develop defenses against a wide variety of different sorts of attacks on the Faith.
Times: Thu 6:20-7:10 PM EST
Introductory Russian (Ages 12-17)
Description: My courses for complete beginners start with learning the Russian alphabet, greetings and introductions. We explore the Russian language through role-play and dialogues, adding simple grammar and new vocabulary. All materials are provided.
Instructor: Valentina Merritt
Times: Wed 10-10:50 AM, Fri 11:30 AM-12:20 PM EST
YouTube Introduction:
New Course Coming Soon
Duis egestas aliquet aliquet. Maecenas erat eros, fringilla et leo eget, viverra pretium nulla. Quisque sed augue tincidunt, posuere dui tempor.
New Course Coming Soon
Duis egestas aliquet aliquet. Maecenas erat eros, fringilla et leo eget, viverra pretium nulla. Quisque sed augue tincidunt, posuere dui tempor.
Spring Semester Dates: January 22nd-May 31st (New Style)
There are two payment options:
1) Two payments of $400 (per course) at the start of each semester, or
2) One payment of $725 (per course) at the beginning of the first semester (a $75 value!).
Both options require a commitment for the entire 2023-2024 academic year. For more information about classes, please email orthodoxeducationalinitiative@