Christ is Risen!
As an aid to study for The Four Gospels by Archbishop Averky (1982), we will be recording selections from the King James, arranged in order as they appear in Archbishop Averky’s commentary.
Chapter 4: The Second Passover of Public Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ (concl.)
- Casting Out the Legion of Demons in the Country of the Gadarenes
- Healing the Woman with an Issue of Blood and Resurrecting the Daughter of Jairus
- Healing the Two Blind Men and the Dumb Demoniac
- The Second Visit to Nazareth
- Christ Walks Throughout Galilee with HIs Disciples and Certain Women: HIs Sorrow at the Lack of Workers for the Harvest
- Christ Sends the Twelve to Preach
- The Beheading of John the Baptist
- The Miraculous Feeding of the Five Thousand with Five Breads
- The Lord Walks on Water and Heals Many Sick
- Conversation About the Bread from Heaven

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